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Heat Cycles

19 17:13:15

My pom went into heat late for her first cycle. She should have gone in heat in June but didn't until July. Now my male is trying again to mount her. I am wondering if a Pomeranian will pay catch up on heat cycles. Early on one and then on time on the next because technically this would be her second heat. Could you help me?

There is no "late or early" as each Pom is different.  You should not breed your bitch before she is at least 12-18 months old and certainly nopt until you know all the risks invloved with breeding.  To your girl or to the pups.
Most bitches will come into season with other girls.  If she is the only one then it is good to know how her dam cycles.  Some come in season every 3 months (not healthy to breed these girls) and some only 1 time a year.

Check out these sites for more info.

Best of luck.