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Everything about my Pom

19 17:15:45

Hi! I just got a 7 week old male purebred pom.  It is my first dog and i have read some negative stuff online about poms.  My dog seems great, i just have some questions about what is normal.  Is it normal for them to bite a lot?  I know he is teething but how long does that last?  His teeth are really super sharp.  
Also, i am curious about shedding. I know about the pom uglies, but i am wondering how often do they shed? How long do they shed for during those times?  And also, i am allergic to cat dander. Is this shedding going to affect my allergies?

Thank You!

Biting is very normal-they bite to teeth, to play, to replace boredom... it is a dog thing.  As long as you have LOTS of chewing on toys and train them that biting people hands and feet is bad it will pass.  Teething lasts through about 6 months.  This early, the puppy teeth are new and they are probably chewing for play.  You can try to take your hand away, shut the muzzle sofltly and then say "No bite" you may also try to hold the puppy on his back a couple of times a day for a few seconds each time to show your dominance and that YOU are the boss in the family, not puppy.  If the muzzle shutting doesn't work, try putting your hand farther into his mouth than is comfortable for him for just a few seconds, say "no bite" so that he sees that biting you is not comfortable for him.  Then be sure to give him something he CAN chew.
The coat of a Pom will shed heavily about 1-2 times a year depending on your climate.  A neutered dog sheds less because there are not hormone fluxs.  Keeping him brushed out will make sure he does not get tangles and matts that need to be removed and will keep him looking pretty.
I do not know much about allergies but sometimes one kind of animal will be bad for you when another is not so you will have to ask your doctor, your vet and then wait and see.