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POM/CHI food

19 17:16:48

Hi Trish,

I've got an 11 week old pom/chi (mostly pom) and he weighs 3lbs.  I'm worried I may be overfeeding him, as I've been keeping him on the pedigree healthy start for puppies since his teeth are still coming out.  When is it ok to start switching to dry food?  How often should I be feeding him?  I am currently feeding him 2 1/2 tablespoons of the canned food 3 times a day (6 hours between each meal).  In between meals I also feed him snacks such as the pedigree breath busters and iams but I have to break it into little pieces he can chew.  Any tips or suggestions would be great!  Thanks!

I start my pups on dry fod at about 6-8 weeks.  It is good for thier digestion and tooth cleaning.  I use IAMS puppy formula small bites and I suggest and do "free feed".  Which means leaving food out and letting them eat when they are hungry-at least for the first year so they won't get hypoglycemic.  Then you can decide on 2 half cup feedings a day or whatever your vet recomends.  Once you get your pup fixed they may need to be watched for excessive weight gain but it shouldn't be a problem as a young pup.
Treats should be given as treats, not meal suppliments.  Chew toys are good for teeth that are falling out and new adult teeth coming in.  Old socks, pig ears, raw hide, bullies (found at dog shows and pet stores), boiled knucle this age, most things feel good on the gums and teeth.
Have fun with your new pup!
Gemini Poms