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Should I get a M/F have 2 yo Pom F

19 17:15:17

I have posted be4 and decided against breeding my pom baby.
I just got some news on a litter that is ready from a very reputable breeder.
I dont know how to choose the best companion for her? Male or Female? which seem to get along better Ive heard M/F better match. Or if getting another is really a good idea.
My Pom is 2yo "EXTREMELY" spoiled sleeps in bed with me everynite, goes everywhere with me and it my constant companion. Do you think she will accept another dog or is quite happy by herself. I have another dog already a male 3 yo 95lb Lab (my hubbys dog), they get along fine, and even "try" to play. But when the Lab trys to come on bed when Im on it she snarls and makes a HUGE fuss. So what do you think? Should I bring her with me to breeders and see how she reacts to me petting or holding another pom and her reactions to the pup?


Your best bet is to take her with you to visit and see how she reacts to the little ones. :) 2 yrs old is still young and you may find she enjoys the companionship of another Pom.  Most of mine do.  But there are some that prefer poeople and don't want another brother/sister.  You will know your Pom best.  Her reaction to the lab may just be her asserting herself to where she thinks is her space.

Best of luck!