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Red Eye

19 17:16:46

I think my dog has pink-eye, but it could be something else. I went to the Vet, and he gave me some ointment for her eye-(Left eye). The redness has left by 50%, but I still don't know what might have caused this, and if this ointment will keep it away for good. Also, the right eye never did get infected. Can a dog get pink-eye? It was really red, and had a terrible greenish discharge. I was tempted to get human eye drop medicine, but I reconcidered. What do you think should be done? Thank You.  

Yes, dogs can get pink eye.  And, it is a good idea that you let your vet handles this.  They tend to know more about what ails animals and animal meds are best for animals. :-) As far as how your pet got it-it could have come from a number of places.  You should have asked your vet while you were there what they thought.  Most times it is from being touched or touching someone else who has it and then having it be transfered to the eye, usually by rubbing the eye with the infection on your hand or from the dogs paw (they sometimes rub their face with their paws).  It may have also come on by getting a scratch in it that got infected.  The green discharge is indicitive of a bactereal infection and the ointment/drops will kill that bacteria.  Make sure you follow the directions to the letter and give it as long as your vet says to.  Stopping too early can make the infection come back.
Have a great day!