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Poms Eyes

19 17:16:14

My pom just came back from a months stay at the kennel, his eyes are watery and looks like a racoon markings around his eyes, he is white and the markings are brown. I was told it could be from tearing, and that there was a product to clean that up. Any help? thanks Den and Jazz

Hi Den & Jazz! website has a product called Show Eyes Tear Stain Remover.

Here it is, if you want to cut & paste it:

Feeding a good diet can help with tear stain as well.  I recommend you feed him human-grade kibble/canned foods such as:  Petguard, Wellness, Innova, California Natural, Canidae, Chicken Soup for the Soul, etc.  You can add fresh foods like beef, chicken, fish, cottage cheese,
yogurt (without added sugar), cheese, brown rice, oatmeal, eggs, veggies, fruit, etc. Puree or mince veggies and fruits.  (I never feed my pom junk food or anything with refined processed sugar.)  Fresh foods are best and
canned is better than kibble.  Or you could prepare a homemade diet for him.  You can find books at the library on how to prepare homemade recipes for your dog.  I started
cooking for my pom about three months ago.  After much research on dog nutrition, I have created my own recipes.  I make enough for two or three weeks and freeze it in individual servings.  My pom loves my cooking!

Two excellent books on dog health are:  Dr Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats, and Keep Your Dog Healthy the Natural Way by Pat Lazarus.  These
books have very valuable information on nutrition, vaccinations, fleas, etc.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Best Regards,