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pomeranians and bedwetting

19 17:17:47

my pomeranian is 5 years old and recently he has been wetting bed every night is there anything i can do? i take him out to the bathroom at least 5 times a day. he is cut off water and food by 6:30 pm and is put to bed at 11pm. he is taken out of bed by 8am.  

Hi Mary,

I have a few questions.  Is this the first time he's ever had this problem?  Is he healthy?  Are there any other changes in his behavior?  Have there been any changes in his routine?  For example:  Have you started a new job, gotten married, had a baby, added another pet, etc.?  Have you been under a lot of stress lately?  Is he neutered?  What kind of food are you feeding him?

Does he have a hard time or hesitate before going potty?  He may have a urinary track infection and would need to be seen by a veterinarian so he can be put on an antibiotic.  Or maybe he has another medical condition.

Please let me know.  

Kind Regards,