Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > temperment


19 17:16:06

I am considering a Pom. I have read conflicting information on different sites.  I would like to know if Poms get a long with other dogs.  My last dog was a Jack Russell that was not the nicest dog.  I would like a small dog that is fun, cuddly and NICE.  Any info you can provide would help me decide if this would be the correct dog for me.  Also one site said that Poms shed all the time and another said they don't shed much. I would like to get straight answers from someone that owns a Pom(s) and not from someone saying they are wonderful dogs because they want to sell a pom!

Thank you!  

JRT's are a terrior breed which makes them GENERALLY a more tenacious breed who was bred to hunt vermin and to not take any guff.  Poms were bred for companionship.
Depending on where you GET your Pom from (a puppymill/pet store, unknowledgable breeder from the paper or a show breeder who has done their research) will determine how well socialized it is and how well it gets along with other dogs and people.  Poms don't shed ALL the time.  They have annual "blows" where they lose their undercoat-when the seasons change or for an intact bitch, when she has a heat/litter.  You can keep this down to a minimum by keeping their coats in good condition with a good diet and proper care-ie brushing regularly.
If you go to my links page you will find TONS of information I have collected over the years about the breed.  
The most important thing about getting a quality dog FROM ANY BREEDER OF ANY BREED is that they KNOW their breed and they socialize and care for the puppies or you could end up being very soprry and so could the pup.
Poms make GREAT companions and are an eager to please breed.  They are fun and lively but were bred to be lap dogs so they are happy there, too.