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new pom puppy weight not eating much

19 17:13:11

my puppy weighs 2.3 pounds at 6 weeks and 3 days old. can u tell me by guessing how big she may get her mom was 5 pounds dad was 10 is it possible for her to be smaller she doesn't eat much at all I give her about 1/4 of a cup a day cause she won't eat that it is soaked in water and smashed up i do not leave the water in it after I smash it but it is almost like can food after i am done with it the brand is i give her natural choice puppy bites from pets mart she doesn't even eat 1/8 a cup i had her for 2 days and she is very active but sleeps alot what should i do? does it sound like she has worms? her stool looks normal its formed no worms

The fact that she doesn't eat well will control how big she gets.  I would take her to the vet and have her checked
to make sure she is healthy.  Most puppies this age will not eat dry dog food even mixed with water.  I cook hamburger and mix kibble into the boiling water and mix well.  When cool I would offer a small amount of this to the pup.  

A dog can have different kinds of worms that is not visible to the eye.  Have you vet do a fecal check.