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My Pom has nee teeth coming in..

19 17:16:45

My Pom is almost 8 months old she's got new teeth that have came in however her baby teeth haven't feel out. So upper top front she's got two sets one in front of the other. Will the baby set fall out or will I need to take her to the vet and have them pull? Also when might she come into heat for the first time? I thought she would have by now.

Sorry it took so long to get back to you-I had a dog show all weekend following the Thaksgiving Holiday.  ;-)
By 8 months old her baby teeth should have fallen out and if they did not it is a simple procedure to have them removed.  Sometimes all of the puppy teeth do not fall out and the new ones grow in behind or in front of them.  
Since Poms have been bred down from larger dogs, sometimes the teeth don't all fit into the "new" smaller mouths.
Poms come into heat for the first time anywhere between 6-10 months old.  Depending on her lineage.  If you are planning to breed please send me an email and I will forward you a bunch of info on that.  You should make sure she is breedable before you attempt it since it could be very dangerous for her if she is not.
Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
Gemini Poms