Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Pomeranians > Follow up Question

Follow up Question

19 17:15:47

I sent you a reply thanking you for answering my questions and ask a simple follow up question pertaining to the whole issue. You replied back that you had already answered this question once. You did not anollow up and I will not care to resend the whole story again.

Thanks just the same but I will seek the answer to my follow up elsewhere.  

Actually, I DID answer the follow up and I got a repeat of the follow up question in my emailbox.  That is why I clicked the response that it was a repeat.
I got these 2 emails-
Trish thank you very much for your time,concern, and opinions. I would like to also ask if it is possible for sudden stress to cause anything like I have described as a seizure. This Pom has always been sensitive and knowing when something is wrong. Even when I or my wife aren't felling well, you can tell she is concerned by her actions. I mainly ask this because yesterday when she had this episode (over a year since the last one), my wife and I did have a verbal argument in her presence. Raised voices back and forth. We rarely have any cross with each other, but yesterday we did, and I know it frightened my Pom. Could this have triggered anything as I described?

Thanks Trish

and this-
Trish thank you very much for your time,concern, and opinions. I would like to also ask if it is possible for sudden stress to cause anything like I have described as a seizure. This Pom has always been sensitive and knowing when something is wrong. Even when I or my wife aren't felling well, you can tell she is concerned by her actions. I mainly ask this because yesterday when she had this episode (over a year since the last one), my wife and I did have a verbal argument in her presence. Raised voices back and forth. We rarely have any cross with each other, but yesterday we did, and I know it frightened my Pom. Could this have triggered anything as I described?

Thanks Trish

This looks like a repeat to me...

If you go back you may find that there IS an answer to the follow up.  
I think I spent a generous amount of time and concern about your issue.
Best of luck.