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Kittens with ticks

18 14:48:49

QUESTION: My cat had a little of five kittens and they are currently three weeks old. I have just discovered that they have ticks. i can only see them on their faces, will they be anywhere else? One kitten has one right on her eyelid, while another one has a tick at the root of her whiskers. I don't know what to do, as i have attempted pulling them off with tweezers but this stresses the kittens and they won't be still for long enough. Please help me. thankyou for your time.

ANSWER: I have not seen many kittens get ticks that young, but maybe you have different ticks in Australia than we do. Fleas, yes, ticks, no.

There is nothing else you can do at this age. I don't think it stresses the kitten as much as having a disease bearing tick sucking its blood, so picking them off with tweezers is a wonderful thing to do for them. Have a bowl of soapy water near you to put them in as it will kill them. Put dish soap in it.

The one on the eyelid use your fingernails with as you have a bit more control over that. They will cry and squirm but they will be fine afterward.Hold them firmly with one hand while you do this with the other one. Or get a helper.

They may have them near their rectums, under their little arm-pits and along the back. Ticks like to embed where they know the animal cannot get to them with their teeth.

So look in those places and on the Momma cat too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thankyou for your reply, it was very helpful, although i was also wondering if there was anything i can do to prevent the return of the ticks. Is there a way i can treat their bedding, or once i have pulled them all off will they stay away? thankyou for your time

Not that I know of that is safe for kittens that young. You could try to put Eucalyptus leaves under the bedding- it supposedly keeps fleas away so it may help with ticks too. Do not use penny royal as that is very toxic to cats.

Bringing the kittens inside will also help a lot!