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dog turned into attack dog

18 15:47:27

My daughter has an American Staffordshire, a rescue, about 2 years, who 4 months ago had 10 pups. This dog has never bothered any animals on our farm, has been very sweet, but always demands all the affection and attention. She also stubbornly runs away and roams and whenever we leave, she shreds apart things, such as a whole couch or wall. I have not been able to train her out of these annoying behaviors. She played with the pups, becoming a puppy herself, tearing up socks, etc. several pups at a time on one sock. 2 days ago, she cornered a rabbit. Then we discovered that she and 3 pups had chased and ripped apart, especially at the neck, a sheep. We chained her to an outside doghouse, near the house, & anytime a pup would wander by, she would attack it. Not play, but hurt it. One of the pups began chasing anything that would move. We have given away almost all the pups, to people in town who don't have farm animals, although I don't think the behavior was ingrained in them yet.  After leaving the mom dog in the house today, we came back to find that her and a pug we own, had cornered a pom we own, having torn him around the neck. He might have been killed if we had tarried. I told my daughter that I have to put the dog down and she is extremely upset and depressed. We are writing to ask you if you have any idea why she suddenly turned into an attack animal, & if there will be any redemption known, at all. I am hoping to make my daughter gain an understanding & an easier acceptance of the dog's death, if that is what it will come down to. She is hoping a pill or two will turn her dog back into normal. It looks like more than just "packing" instinct to me, especially now with the other 2 obsessive behaviors. Thank you for your time and answer, Robin & Katie  

If I were you, before I decided to put her down, I would consult with a behavior specialist/dog trainer. Talk to your vet about it and see if they can suggest a good one. I can't tell you exactly why your dog is doing what she is. You really have to be around them to know. Her body language can tell a lot about the reason's for her aggression. I really encourage you to see a specialist if you are wanting to keep this dog in your family. Sorry it took so long to answer. I had some things going on here. I hope this helped. Have a great day.