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cat with red, raw looking nose, small scabs around it

18 15:23:09


Raw Nose
My son found a very friendly stray cat today, which we have taken in overnight
while we attempt to find her owner or a rescue group who can take her in. She
looks otherwise healthy (not too thin, coat is clean and well-groomed, eyes look
clear), but her nose looks red/raw and there are little scabs around it. Any idea
what this could be and if there is any kind of over-the-counter medicine I might
try to save a trip to the vet?

It looks like this cat could have something called 'rodent ulcer' or Eosinophilic Ulcer, which is an autoimmune disorder that usually requires prednisone (a steroid) to treat it.
Cats can live healthy long lives with this and it can go into remission spontaneously. But it is hard to treat. It takes someone dedicated to caring for this cat to start on a life-long treatment program.
It could be that she has something else but these are pretty telltale.
Here are some web sites that describe it. Lower on the first page are some images of cats with them and one cat has a lesion on his nose like hers.

The second site covers all kinds of granulomas and eosinophilic ulcers. They also call these Indolent Ulcers.

There is nothing you can use over the counter for this unfortunately. She really needs to be seen by a vet for a definitive diagnosis.

Thank you for rescuing her from the street where she for sure wouldn't have lasted long. She is a beautiful cat and I can tell she is purring in the photo.
Good luck with her and please keep me updated on her condition.