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18 14:28:23

I had a miniature pinscher of 8 months shes a girl and she is 15 pounds dats normal? She do not look fat shes skinny but I give her just a cup a day in the mornings shes very energetic im doing rigth or she needs more portions of food im just scare dat she get fat of with healht problems she eats pedigri .Im doing rigth ?

Lily your little Chanel is gorgeous! She looks wonderful.

You are feeding her the right amount but the food she is eating is not a very high quality food at all.

If you want to keep her thin and healthy get her on some high quality food such as Science Diet Small Bites for little dogs. There is a light version which has less fat as well.

Science Diet will provide her with optimal nutrition and you can feed her a little less than a cup a day and give her better food and glowing health!!

Go to their website at
and read about keeping her healthy and in perfect shape.

Good luck and make sure you transition her off of the Pedigree slowly and onto the Small Bites.