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Clustered sores on chin and lip

18 15:09:13

My male cat has small, concentrated  sores and scabs on his chin and one a little smaller than a millimeter on his bottom lip right under his upper canine. It gets very puffy and swollen. I'm very worried because it bleeds from time to time. I do clean it up with hydrogen peroxide, just to keep it from getting infected.  His little scabs bleed also when he scratches it. It seems to be bothering him. It looks only a little bit like flea dirt, but I doubt that it is because I just recently put Frontline on him and found no traces whatsoever of fleas. He is very healthy, and this is the first skin condition I've ever seen him have...

Thank you for getting back to me.

This is called chin acne and is common in cats.  It may be hormonal, allergic, bacterial, or yeasts infecting it.  Sometimes a shot of a long acting steroid called DepoMedrol may help.  We also shave the area and treat it with a topical antibiotic rather than peroxide.