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Re: Demodex in adult dog.

18 15:53:10

Dear Dr. Gotthelf,

  I am a vet tech at an animal shelter in NY and we have a dog that was confirmed by skin scraping over a year ago with demodex.  He came in as a 8mos old pup (black lab mix) and now is an adult.  He'd originally had thinning hair on his head but now, he's nearly completely bald with only a few sparse hairs here and there.  

   We have vets come in now and then to do low cost spay and neuters, but I'm the only vet tech there these days and don't see these vets as I have another career as a teacher.  I've asked my boss to check with the vets about this poor dog whose been put in a spare room with a few other nice- but misfit dogs.  I believe the shelter attempted treatment when he first came in, but that only lasted a few weeks and everyone has long since given up.  SO it's been at least a year with no treatment and as it's a high stress environment, and I understand what demodex is and all, I know he won't clear up on his own.  He looks terrible.  Other than the skin, he is healthy though.  

  He is itchy as expected with flaky skin, but nobody has time to bathe him in oxydex shampoo.  It's  a no-kill shelter so this dog will live out his life there since he looks terrible. And with so many other animals to care for (100 plus), financial problems and all- this dog's situation is not and will not be on the top of anyone's to-do list.  So I'm seeking advice in the hopes of trying something for this dog.  

   We've used oxydex gel as spot treatment in the past sucessfully-on other dogs, but this whole dog is bald and therefor we can't use that.  Would ivomectin be good in this case? We also have access to interferon, if that would help.  We have a lot of the common meds/shampoos.  

   Knowing the people/workers at my shelter, an oral treatment would be the ideal way to go, if possible, or an injection periodically which I can do on Sundays.  Thank you.  If you can at least give me a direction to go, I can try to contact one of the local vets for a dose on the medicine suggested.  I don't feel comfortable just calling and discussing the case- it's not my place nor would they want to hear it- they do it all day.  (I know, I've worked for vets in the past, in another state.)  If I call with something in mind though, they might be more willing to help.  

 :)  Thank you for any advice you can give.  

  PA Certified Vet Tech  

You can give ivermectin orally at 600 micrograms per pound of body weight every day.  You can also get some Taktic (amitraz) and dip the dog weekly using 15ml in a gallon of water after a good degreasing bath.  He also needs antibiotics like cephalexin to control the secondary bacterial skin infection.