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Cat with a sore by her eye

18 14:38:11


"Lightning's" cut
My female half Siamese cat came home with a small "ding" by her eye. I'm pretty sure she got in a fight. This was about 5 days ago. It looked clean so I left it alone. It looked like it was healing until about 3 days ago. Now it is slightly larger and looks raw. I haven't seen her scratching or digging at it. I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and put neosporin ointment on it. My vet had me do this with another cat. It doesn't look worse and I am wondering if I can safely use OTC cortisone cream with or instead of the neosporin. It doesn't seem to be infected or hurting her badly. I have been cleaning and medicating it once per day for the last 3 days.

I would suggest leaving the hydrogen peroxide off. That will just burn the skin as it bubbles.  You can use a cortisone creme, but if there is any infection under the skin, it will make it worse.  I would advise you to have it checked by the vet if it is not healing right.