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Sore on my dogs face??

18 14:08:43

The Sore
The Sore  
My Dog- Grace
My Dog- Grace  
QUESTION: Hi, Ms. Connell,
  I got home from school the other day and noticed a sore on my dog's face. It had dry, crusty brown coating around the actual sore, at first I thought it my be her own stool that she was rolling in, but it wasn't. It doesn't have the well..."dominant" smell that dog feces has. The sore, itself, is very hard to see, but from what I can get a glimpse of it seems to be slightly enflamed and spotted red. (I'll attach an image if my computer allows it.) She doesn't seem to show any annoyance with it, but I'm just a little nervous. Besides that, she's always been healthy and happy. So, please, try to get back to me as soon as you can, thanks so much!

ANSWER: I can't tell where this sore is on her face but from the looks of it it's either a tooth abscessing or she has a hot spot that is inflamed and infected.

In either case she needs to go see your vet asap. Don't wait, get her in today or tomorrow.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much, but the sore could be connected with something that's going on with her tooth? I mean it's right under her ear. and it suddenly just appeared today. She didn't have it this morning when I came home from school, I meant to clarify that in the my last question, (I apologize). Thanks again!

As I said, I couldn't tell where on her face the sore was. Since she is a lab, and by the looks of it, I'd say it's a hot spot, which is a skin infection. And yes, they can show up that fast. Labs are a bit prone to getting these.

The dog can scratch it with her hind foot which just makes it worse, then she will lick her foot so you cannot see the blood on it. The dry, crusty brown is the serum that oozes out after it's been scratched at, or just from being inflamed.

It still needs at vets care. Hope she gets well soon!