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6 month old dog rear legs paralyzed

18 14:37:21


We adopted a lab/st.Bernard mix dog named Teddy from the pound last week. He was neutered on February 1st and I took him home that day. On the 6th he had a limp, on the 7th he couldn't make it up a small stair in our house and he is a big dog, on the 8th he could only drag himself a few feet with his front feet. So, we took him to the vet at the pound we got him from. He thought it was a heart murmur and Teddy should be put to sleep since we couldn't afford an ultra sound. I took him home and prayed... I heard this vet was not a good vet so please help. Teddy is such a sweet dog.

Heart murmurs are a sound that a heart will make from a variety of things, but it usually refers to the 'loudness' of the sound. Murmurs are not a defect that will cause paralysis but if he has a heart defect itself, or an enlarged heart, then that can cause the paralysis to his hind limbs because he isn't getting any blood flow to his back legs. So basically it's not the murmur that is the problem but the heart disease that is.

An ultrasound or even just an xray will show an enlarged heart. This condition is common in big dogs, even as young as 1 yr old.

The best thing you can do is get an xray from another vet or if you can find a place that charges less, get the ultrasound.
The longer you wait, the worse his condition will get. I am actually surprised that he survived being neutered at all.

This is something you definitely need to have checked and soon. It could be totally unrelated to his heart so that is why you need to get him into another vet if you don't want to go back to the one you saw.
The sooner the better.