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iritated vulva

18 16:08:46

Phoebe, my 2 yr old fem. Cockapoo has been constantly licking her vulva for 3-4 days and is obviously stressed. The vet issued antibiotic ointment which she immediately licks off.  Have also applied aloe from my plant, monistat, and Cortaid with same result.  We tried getting urine sample but, she didn't cooperate.  If there's no improvement I will take her back to the vet Monday.  Meanwhile, any suggestions to make both of us more comfortable would be much appreciated. Thnx.

Hi Nancy!


One thing you may want to do if your vet is open saturdays, is to try to obtain a urine sample on her at home. I know this this not the sterile way to do it, but its more than nothing!

What you do is this:  get a shallow pan or bowl and take her outside to urinate, when she squats, quickly put the bowl under her to urinate in.  

If you take her to the vet on Monday for a sample, let them keep her for the day to obtain a sterile sample via cysto (right from the bladder with a long needle-THIS DOES NOT HURT!)

What your vet should have done is to give her some pain managment. Ask for this if they are open on the weekends. No is not an answer at this point. She needs an anti-inflammatory and some pain meds right now. Do not give her anything over the counter.

Right now, lots of love, water and keep her attention away from her vulva is important.

BTW- is she spayed?