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cat skin problem

18 14:12:48

Hi, Thank you for answering my question. My 11 yr old calico has a bald patch inside her front leg which she continues to lick.   This has happened several time in the past, but not alwyas on the same leg. Sometmes is inside her hind leg. When it happens, she seems stiff-legged and quiet. The last time it happened, the vet couldn't find anything.  What can I do to help her? Thank you.

This could be from trauma if he climbs over things like fences.  It could also be a linear eosinophilic granuloma from allergy.  Ask your vet to look at it to see what this might be.  They may be able to give a shot of a long acting steroid called DepoMedrol to help it stop itching so it will heal.