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7 1/2 yr old male cat with reoccuring UTIs...

18 15:48:07

Dr. Fry,
My male cat has been suffering from UTIs for the past 2 yrs. He gets one about every six months and is given Baytril. This week he started showing signs of another infection so I took him to the vet and they prescribed antibiotics. The vet then called me and suggested why not do an xray..he found some stones and I took him in for surgery this morning. The dr. said that when he opened up the bladder the stone was actually a clump of loose crystals. Now he also suggested that the Eukanuba diet low Ph/s they put him on 2 years ago was actually causing more problems for him. I am wondering what suggestions you might have as to how, if possible, to prevent him having to have this surgery again a few months down the road. His litter box is kept very clean as I am a stay home I am here to scoop it out all the time.
Lastly, I can't help but wonder what affect if any that clumping cat litter may possibly have on cat urinary health?? I have heard and read things off and on over the years suggesting that using the old plain litter is a much healthier substitute. Can you please tell me your opinion? Thank you so much for you time....

Hello Cathy,

The repeat infections are most likely due to a weakened immune system, therefore, boosting up his immune system should help ward off future infection.  I would recommend adding Transfer Factor Feline Formula to his daily regimen

Diet does play a big role in crystal and stone formation.  I have had luck with clients feeding EAGLE PACK, a holistic food, that gets the pH of the urine acidic about 6.0.  Canned food is best and getting him to drink as much water as possible.  Add a few water dishes around the house that are NOT next to his food dish.

You can also give TINKLE TONIC formula to help treat him when he has bouts of cystitis...I am not so sure that each and every time he has a UTI as much as irritation and inflammation associated with these crystals.

I do not think scoopable litter has any effect as all 4 of my cats use it and MANY clients and I do not see urinary problems in all those cats.  I would, however, provide another litter box to allow easier access to urinate.

Good luck,
Dr. Jennifer Fry