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sharing and drinking water from same water bucket

18 14:27:55

water bucket
water bucket  
hello. i am rohit. my neighbour, a dog breeder has got 3 breeds of dogs at his kennel. all of them ment for confirmation shows. he kept 3 german shepherd bitches and one saint bernard bitch in a single large room with windows. provided a 4 gallon water bucket with separate feed bowls. all the dogs share same water and drink it. doesnt it lead to injections? i forgot to mention, he keeps changing the water every day. only in the morning when he wakes up, he pours full fresh water into the water bucket

Injections? I don't understand this question. If you meant infections, it can lead to sharing diseases such as parvo or distemper but if he keeps his dogs vaccinated yearly to prevent these viruses.

But otherwise sharing a water bucket is not a big deal.