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How often should a cat pass faeces

18 15:50:58

My 14.5 year old cat has started using her litter tray after going outside for most of her life. However she will only use it some of the time, the rest of the time she goes on the floor.  I was wondering if you could tell me how often she should defaecate naturally as she is going three times a day which I thought might be quite excessive, she has lost a lot of weight and I wondered if this might be part of the problem. (I have seen the vet who referred me to a behaviour therapist)

if your cat is losing weight and having a potty box issue- FIND A NEW VET!  there is something wrong with your cat medically and it should be looked into.  Not just with a fecal sample, but bloodwork and xrays.

what if your cat has irritable bowel disease? or thickened intestines? did your vet check for that? just feeling the abdomen will NOT get you answers.

find a real cat vet and get a real exam done.

good luck!