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Cat going everywhere

18 15:12:55

My cat jack is 10 and 2 days ago we brought him to the vet and found that he had stones blocking his bladder.  The put in a catheter and removed the blockage and he is now home.  There is a small problem though he has now been peeing in my bed and in my slippers and on my rug. The wired thing is that he is going in his box too.  I was wondering if it is normal for him to do this now that he is home.

Alissa -

 If your cat is urinating in places where he should not be, he may associate his previous discomfort with the litterbox. Try buying a new litterbox and placing it in a different location.  Also give him the option to use several litter boxes, placing them all in different places.  

You may also want to place something into the litterbox that will make him want to go to the litterbox. "Catattract" litterbox additive is sold at pet stores everywhere.  It is a great attractant for cats that have litterbox problems.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM