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Ancient cat needing help

18 15:13:26

I read a past posted answer that suggested glucosamine, B-complex, and fish oil for joint problems in a canine.  I know the doses given would be far too much for my 22 year old cat.  What doses would be adequate for a feline?  I was also wondering if there is an applicable over the counter pain medicine for cats.  I know you can not give them asprin or acetaminaphine.  Is ibuprophen or naproxin sodium safe for feline use?  My poor cat is 22 years old and has been woewing off and on since Friday.  I know the Vet I see would say its time to put her down.  I just don't want to go there.  She is like one of my kids to me.  I hate to see her like this, but I don't want to kill her.

Pauline -

Have your cat examined by a veterinarian.  A 22 -year -old cat deserves the benefit of a physical exam; she may have a myriad of problems that can be treated  to make her feel more comfortable.  

Ibuprofen and naproxen are not safe for cats - especially older cats.  Your vet can give her medications that are safe and effective.  If you are concerned about the vet recommending that she be put to sleep, talk your concerns over with the doctor. Sometimes it is in the animals' best interest that they be euthanized; however you ultimately make that decision, not the veterinarian.  Your cat may not be as sick as you think she is; have bloodwork done to make the best possible decision when it comes to her healthcare.

I do hope that you consider what is best for your pet (not yourself)  when you make that decision.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM