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is it normal or is it mange?

18 14:37:14


nemos skin
My 7 month old Chihuahua puppy, Nemo, is losing her hair on her legs and her belly and a small patch on her shoulder. there is also some bumps on her head and by her right eye and on her right elbow. she does not scratch at the bumps and i heard hair loss is normal for Chihuahuas this age but instead of paying $80 to find out its nothing i would like to hear someone elses opinion about the bumps. i originally thought it was mange but wouldn't she be scratching? the images below are of nemo. keep in mind nemo didnt have much hair on her head when we got her.

There is no way to know if it's mange unless you take her in and have her skin scraped in a few places on her body. It has the appearance of either mange or a hormonal problem but your vet will be able to know once they do a skin scraping. If she isn't spayed you should have this done once she is treated as this will bring on cases of mange sometimes or could be the cause of a hormonal imbalance.

There are so many things that can cause this type of hair loss, mange of course, scabies, hormones, Cushings (rare in younger dogs but anything is possible).

That is why you need the vet to look her over and soon!
Don't let this continue or it could get out of hand very quickly.