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what supplements for liver challenged dog?

18 15:03:09


I have a 1 year old peek-a-poo with a small liver.   Liver Shunt ruled out by Tobias at UT Knox.   Bile vomiting in AM -  poop formed softly firm.  Able to pick up.   I am home cooking potatoes, chicken or white fish, veggies - what supplements would you recommend

Kate -

Every doctor practices in a different manner.  I am reluctant to recommend supplements that you can give because I do not want to interfere with the doctor client relationship you have with your veterinarian.  

Your letter was not very clear  - were you saying that the dog is vomiting every morning or just the morning the letter was written?  what are you able to pick up?  

Nevertheless, I feel it is best for you ask your veterinarian which supplements he/she recommends. Supplements can interfere with the medicine that is prescribed for your dog; for that reason it is extremely important that you consult your veterinarian before giving liver supplements.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sheerrell, DVM