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skin issue

18 14:42:04


Sore next to jaw bone
I have a 9 year old cat that had fatty liver disease, she was intensive treatment for 2 months but is better now. I noticed 2 weeks ago she had a round crusty scab next to her jaw bone, I cleaned it up, made sure it wasn't an abscess, now checking her today I have noticed not only is that one EXACTLY the same as it was, there is an additional one on her neck right above her chest. It does not look quite like ringworm, there is no puss, oozing, or draining of any kind, it does not seem to hurt or itch. I also have a photo of the lesion if that helps. FYI she does not have fleas.

Many of these lesions are part of the eosinophilic granuloma complex.  You will need your vet to do a stained slide of a skin scraping to see eosinophils.  If they are there, then the can can be treated with steroids.  If not, then a biopsy may give information as to the disease.