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My cat wont stop pulling her waste out of the litter box

18 14:37:25

Hi, My name is Ashley and I've had my cat for almost a year now,
and she's recently been pulling out her feces and urine clumps out of her litter box.
I have tried cleaning it more frequently and it happens even when she goes in a fresh box.
I don't understand why she is doing it and I don't know what I can do to keep her from pulling it out.
I got her from a friend of the family because she was the runt of the litter and not in great condition. Riddled with worms and so thin, and she's in perfect condition at this point and time.
please help me.
concerned owner

She might just be an over-zealous scratcher when she is trying to cover it up and it's ending up on the floor. I have never heard of a cat deliberately grabbing their feces and dragging them to the floor.

I suggest you might want to get a litter box with higher edges and a different litter so that she feels like she is accomplishing the task that she is trying to do, namely cover it up. You should be cleaning out the clumps daily of both urine and feces. That will help as well.