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puppy vomited 3 times

18 14:55:06

my puppy is 4 months and 1 week old. he is a pit bull. last time i fed him between 4 - 4:30 pm as i do every day. he hasn't gotten into anything that i am aware of. then, he vomited the first time at about 8:30 pm. it was brown like the color of his dog food. he then threw up bile at about 10:30 pm and again at about 11:15. he hasn't threw up since, will drink water if i bring it to him but won't eat food or play for longer than 2 or 3 minutes. the emergency vet said to give it 24 hrs and see how he is and contact my regular vet tomarow. he may have just gotten into something, but i'd like a second opinion on what you may think it is being the emergency vet didn't really give me options on what it possibly could be. please get back to me and thanks for your time.

You haven't mentioned vaccination history with this dog. I am not sure you are aware of this but pit bulls are one of the breeds very prone to parvo virus. Vomiting is usually the first sign with bloody diarrhea starting within 24 hours.

So watch for that. You can tell it's bloody by the smell. If he has had some vaccinations he has a much better chance of surviving parvo.

Other things that can cause vomiting are gastro-enteritis, gastritis and bacterial overloads from eating garbage or rotten things. Vomiting bile is usually more indicative of him eating something bad that has irritated the gut.

Puppies go down hill very quickly when dehydrated so watch his water intake also. Just be aware that you may have to get to the vets fast if he starts with the bloody diarrhea.

Feed him very small amounts for now and few hours to make up for the lack of amount.That makes it easier for them to digest the food.

I hope this passes and that he doesn't have parvo.
Please let me know how he does.