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puppy containment

18 15:50:47

Bringing home 8 wk old Papillon soon.  Have cat carrier & small dog carrier.  First question is do we start him in the small carrier and then switch to the other when he's bigger?  Mom & 4 puppies are now indoors with an open (door) crate surrounded by a small "play-yard". The idea is they have room to get out of the crate to play and have a place to go potty other than where they sleep. The mother gets in and out from the top of the play yard. The longest amount of time he will be alone at our house will be 3 hours each day.  Question #2: Is it good to have the play yard or is it better for him to learn he can't go potty until he's let out of the crate and taken outside?

Hi Jennifer!  Congrats on your new addition!  
It would be best to start out with the smaller carrier.  If the pup has too much room, he will have room to mess in his cage.  
It is also best for the pup to learn right off the bat that he shouldn't go potty until he's let out of the crate.  Having the play yard will make him feel as though it's okay to mess there, which will elongate house breaking.
I hope this helps!