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FIV shot Allergy

18 15:14:49

My cat just got her 3rd FIV shot. at the site of injection she pulled all her hair
our and it was raw and inflammed but it scabbed over. she has now pulled off
her scab and is raw and red again. what should i do. she doesnt seem to be in
pain but she can't reach behind her neck to clean it .

Hi Wendy - Please give her some benadry 25 mg now... Make sure you let the vet know she has a local reaction at the injection site... That way they may break up the injections into two sites next time.
Also, before she gets another shot, give benadryl prior to the vet visit.  

YOU may want to put her on a good immune system protector / NuVET Feline is a Vitamin Blaster for your cat.... Will keep her healthy and well - For a lifetime:  Also, NuVET is a skin healer-
here is the link for ordering - not sold in stores

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers  LPN MA