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Feline eardrum punctured

18 15:15:29

On Friday my feline Caswell was dropped off at the vet for vaccines (rabies and distemper), full senior panel and a bath to include trimming nails (back feet) and cleaning his very waxy ears.
Nine hours later I picked him up and was informed he tried to bolt (I couldn't emphasize enough that Caswell would try to escape)so when he tried to bolt they sedated him.  Fast forward on Sunday morning and he still cannot balance, he's still shaking his head and his left ear is laying flat to his head.
I have my theories:
severe reaction to the telazol
punctured eardrum from the ear cleaning.
I cannot leave him unattended as he tries to descend stairs or jump onto a chair and falls.
It's upsetting to see this but I was told by the Vet on Saturday to observe him for lethargy and/or depression.

Oh Boy!  yes Angela, it could be some damage to the ear drum and his balance would be off... Sounds right to me!
Here are some ideas for baby's health:

First off - Let's get him on some Turmeric; Here is a good quality brand - Greenbush Company:  All Human Grade:
turmeric will reduce swelling****
Give him 1 per day for 30 days..****

Next - NuVET Plus is a must for this Feline... NuVET Feline Formula:
Here is the link for ordering- Not sold in stores:
Helps with Healing!

Feline Powder/ NuVET:
NuVet Plus boosts the immune system. This will prevent many diseases and Lessen your trips to the Vet for problems (i.e, hot spots, digestive problems, arthritis, etc.)

IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER  - Fight off infections!

Independently tested and recommended by leading veterinarians..
Significantly reduces the risk or eliminate many problems that strike your pet.
Please call Joan for your First order of NuVET Feline - guaranteed to restore her health or they will REFUND you.
1-800-474-7044 ext 265 / Tell Joan about your cat girl!  She is great to talk with... I just love this lady!
Make sure you use order code 81098 /  Tell her Marie sent you from "all experts.."
You should get the 90 count of feline/ again, don't worry - they do guarantee results... No risk with NuVET.
Only sold thru vets and breeders,,,, that's why you need to give the code 81098

I would be glad to offer you my FREE e-mail service / Stay in contact with me weekly or monthly. I can follow her progress on some good nutritional help.. Just ask and I am here:

Oh, one more thing, add some salmon oil to his diet..
Give 1/2 teaspoon per day of pure salmon oil... OK???

Marie Peppers
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