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My kitten isnt acting normal..

18 15:15:21

I've had my kitten for about 3 1/2 months now, and up until about 4 days ago she was always so hyper and playful bouncing-off-the-walls type, and now the past few days all she does is sleep. She stays in the same spot/room for very long periods of time and when she is awake doing something she is meowing frequently for what seems like no reason. I'm really concerned. Any ideas on what could be wrong?

Chloe -

I cannot know what is wrong with your cat without examining her.  Have her examined by a veterinarian; he/she can do bloodwork to determine why she is so lethargic and is sleeping so much.

You did not say whether or not your kitty had been spayed.  If she has not been spayed there is the possibility that she is in heat; female cats meow often when they are in heat.  Cats will cycle frequently until they mate; it is wise to have her spayed unless she is a pure bred and you plan to breed her.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM