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18 14:04:48

Hello. I have a 9 year old Siamese that was suspected for lymphoma and pancreatitis, the ultrasound showed mass around his intestines but our vet did not disclose anymore information, except gave him IV for dehydration. No meds, no special care instructions afterwards, seemed to me like sending him home to die. At first I didn't understand, so I researched the ailment a lot and however difficult I found a lot of useful info that seemed to eased my cat's discomfort for a while. Lately he has been cramping a lot though. I worry he is in pain. His whole body arches and I can see his muscles ripple around the whole abdomen and back, he is stretched on his feet, tail between legs, pupils dilated. This happens more and more often. Other than that he is a happy cat that eats and drinks but he is awfully skinny, from 9 pounds he dropped to 5. He has good periods when he gains a little weight but then he drops again. Can you give me any insight? He doesn't make any sounds when he is cramping, just seems exhausted after that and sleeps a lot. He is overly sensitive to touch when I need to clean him or groom him. I don't want my cat to suffer but I do want him to live as long as that is possible. I give him caloric boost gel, probiotic, and fiber, all in minimal doses. He eats good wet and dry food, not the fillers and ha saccess to fresh water in a running water pet fountain.He gets dirty easy in his litterbox so grooming is an issue too. Please help! Thank you so much in advance!

To confirm this diagnosis, biopsies of the intestinal masses and the pancreas need to be done.  If it turns out that this is lymphoma, then he can undergo chemotherapy.  The good news is that the cat is eating, even though he is losing weight.  Adding a teaspoonful of liquid cooking oil to his food daily may provide him additional absorbable calories to keep him from losing more weight.