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Betta Fish Stress

18 15:55:22

Hi, I'm sorry this is such a specific question, but I'm worried about the stress level of my betta fish.  This morning, she flipped out of the bowl I had transferred her to during bowl cleaning, and went down the sink drain.  It took me almost 3 minutes to pick her out, but I kept the water running as much as I could the entire time.  Now she's behaving normally, but she's still in the transfer bowl because it was closest once I got her out.  Should I wait a while before transfering her back to her normal bowl?  She doesn't like the transfer bowl (I don't think) because it's textured, so she probably can't see out very well, so she keeps swimming to the top or corners.  Again, I'm sorry this is a hypersensitive question, but I don't want to risk her life another time.  Thanks, Nicole

Hi Nicole!

Sorry about the fish!  What you need to get is a product called STRESS COAT. Add a pump or 2 to the water. This will help replenish her slimy coat and to neutralize that water :)

Transfer her back to her normal bowl with the stress coat in it. She should  be OK.