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Dog Stopped Wagging Tail

18 14:54:10

I found a series of responses to questions about dogs who
stopped wagging their tails, but none of the symptoms meet
my dogs criteria.

I have a nine year old Golden Retriever who's tail has been
tightly between her legs for several days.  She is having
bowel movements, running - albeit slower than usual, and not  
swelling in the tail, anal glands, et cetera.  She does have
two large tumors; one soft one on her stomach that has grown
very large, the size of a softball but oval.  A second, hard
one, the size of a baseball, and seated next to her left leg
on the chest.  The vet has only seem them once, and that was
several years ago.  Do you think her lack of tail wagging is
related to the tumor?

Thanks for your time,


Chuck -

I am not sure if the tumor is related to the tail problem, but you should have both conditions examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The tumors should be examined in case they are malignant. Surgical excision may be necessary, but you should have them examined  in order to be sure.

The tail may be an indication that your dog is uncomfortable - there are several reasons why her tail may not be wagging.  There may be neurological damage to the area surrounding the tail or she  may have problems with pain in the surrounding areas.

Have her examined by your veterinarian to rule out the above problems and to help your pup feel more comfortable.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM