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cat diarrhea and behavior

18 15:47:36

Hi Nicole

My cat, Mausi, is a handfull! I adopted her on New Years Eve as a companion for my other cat, because we moved and there is no way he can go outside right now. They get along just fine. Mausi is 18 months old and sticks her little nose in everything she isn't supposed to. But the most disturbing thing is, she openes kitchen cabinet doors, jumps on my front room table and on the kitchen counter. I tried double sticky tape, but her paws secrete too much sweat (or whatever it is), so she doesn't get stuck. I correct her with my watergun, but as soon as I am not looking she is up on the counter again.
She has had diarrhea for the past two days, and makes a huge mess in the litter box. While she is still digging for the right spot, it starts to come out and soil up the rim of the box. I have had a pan soaking in the sink, and I assume she drank from that pan and got some bacteria in her. Mausi does still eat and drink, and she is still her happy old self, but I am getting worried now. A website suggested no food for 24hrs (I am sure she won't like that. She is VERY vocal when she is hungry), and then a day of rice with chicken breast. What do you think of that?
Mausi and my other cat get IAMS weight control food. Bobby, the other one, is a bit on the heavy side with 12 lbs. Mausi is 8 lbs, but she seems to be content with the food she gets. Since I got her, her stool was always a bit on the soft side, but never so terribly liquid. And there is mucous in there as well.
Bobby has hemorrhoids and so sometimes there is a bit blood in his stool. He gets fat free yoghurt with a bit of metamucil for that.
What are your suggestions I do?

Thanks for your time and effort!

Carla :)  

As far as getting in the cabinets, you can get child proof things for that.  Try aluminum foin or plastic wrap for the counter and table.  Cats wont walk on them if they don't have to usually.  Eventually they should learn that it is not a place for them to go.  As far as the diarrhea goes, go ahead and try what the website said and if that doesn't work see your vet imediately.  There are several things that is could be.  I am not a vet and I have not seen your cat so I cannot give you more information than that.  I am very very sorry I cannot help you more.  I hope I helped some.  Have a great day.