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sick chihuhua puppy

18 15:12:32

we got an 8 week old chihuahua last week.  she was doing great.  but starting this mornning she has been very lethargic and won't eat much.  but will eat. she has had bathroom movements.  kinda runny but not complete diareaha .  she only sleeps and can't even keep her head up or eyes open.

This puppy needs to see a vet right away. She could have parvo virus and chihuahua's are prone to getting it. Even with a vaccination in her she could get it.
Give her a little Gatorade to help with her fluids and blood sugar but you cannot wait on something like this. These little dogs go downhill very fast. She needs IV fluids and supportive care for whatever this is she has. Even if it's not parvo virus she is still sick enough for fluids. They get dehydrated very fast.

Start giving her spoonfuls of Gatorade about every 15 minutes for at least two hours then if she seems a little brighter give her some about ever half hour. Give her some canned puppy food if she will eat more that way but don't give her very much. Just a spoonful or so every hour or two. Let her lick it then when she is done take it up.

But you MUST get her to the vet's tomorrow!
Please let me know what the vet says and how she is doing later on.