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Feline Herpes?

18 15:12:31

I adopted a kitten 3 months ago from a shelter. He is about 6m now. He sneezes and started out with clear discharge from his eyes and small amounts from his nose.
My vet told me it is FHV. I am confused as aside from the above symptoms plus swolen neck glands he has none of the other symptoms of the virus. He loves to eat. He is not depressed. Loves to play. ( Also, he has no mouth ulcers to indicate FCV) The literature says FHV resolves itself in about 2 weeks and he has had this for at least 3 months, possibly from birth. I have been giving him Lysine for 2 weeks and have noticed no change for the better. In the last week the discharge has turned from watery and clear to white to green and is thicker. I have looked into getting the nasal vaccine for FHV because I have read it can help, but I cannot find any vets in my area that use it. Does this virus stay active for long times like this in some cats? He is not under any stress...he really seems comfortable and relaxed.
Thank you in advance if you have any reccomendations.
Christine Boyd

Christine -

If your cat already has FHV the vaccine will serve no purpose.  The vaccine will minimize the effects if the pet is exposed to the virus.  

The virus can last for months in some cats. You should have your cat tested to determine if in fact he actually has the virus or the symptoms are from another source.  

Lysine seems to work well at minimizing the symptoms of FHV although recently reported research states that lysine is not as effective as it once once thought.  I continue to use it for my shelter pets because I have seen how the lysine seems to shorten the length of the upper respiratory infection.  

Your kitty may also have a blocked tear duct.  The doctor can determine whether or not the discharge is due to a blocked tear duct or rebound effects of a virus developed long before he was adopted.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM