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rat scabies

18 15:49:46

I just found out that I have scabies. my rat has just started itching himself until he bleeds. I think he might have gotten it from me. I don't want to have him put down and I cant afford to see a vet. I have heard that it is not possible to contract scabies from animals. Also my doctor told me to have my rat checked by a vet. Is there a cream like the doctor perscribed to me available to my rat? or can I put my cream on my pet? (permethrin 5% Cream)

I do not treat rats; however, it is possible to contract scabies from animals.  Normally we use Ivermectin injections to kill the mites.  I am not aware of any topical creams for rats that would be effective.  Your best bet is a trip to the vet or your rat's skin condition will get worse and you will not get better.