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my dog is sick & pregnant

18 15:17:10

She is a mix breed, maybe a mediem size shepard mixed.She is bout 6 weeks she's eating good but all she does is lay around. Her belly is really warm and her nose is not very wet. Her back belly is sunked in. Does she have parvo or maybe worms? Can I worm her and give her a parvo shot

Sandy -

I do not recommend that you deworm or vaccinate your pet - especially if she is pregnant.  

Have you had her evaluated by a veterinarian?  If she is as uncomfortable as you describe she should be seen by a doctor.   Parvo is usually a disease of young puppies so you  should not have to be concerned about her having that disease.

Again, I highly recommend that you have your dog evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM