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treatment for fatty deposit??

18 15:50:48

Recently, my 10 year old Border Collie mix has developed a fatty deposit on his right hip. My Veterinarian did blood tests and said it wasn't Cancer.

But my dog has been displaying progressive weakness in his rear hips, such as falling on the kitchen floor and so forth. My Vet said to restrict the dog's activity, which I have.

Is there anything else I can do for my dog right now? My Vet said to go see a pet Neurologist if things don't get better. But I don't have much money...

Do you have any advice?

Hi Tom!
As dogs age, fatty deposits, or tumors are very common.  These are nonmalignant growths that will continue to grow unless removed.  It is possible that this fatty deposit is restricting the movement of the hips, hence causing the weakness.  If this is so, the tumor should be removed.  If you have not noticed the deposit growing, this shouldn't be the case.
I am unsure of why your veterinarian said to see a neurologist.  Does your dog have seizures?  When he falls is he shaking, spacey looking, ect?  Pet neurologists are there to help with neurological issues.  This doesn't sound like a neurologic issue at all to me.
As a dog grows older, things like walking on hard floors become a bit harder, as do going up and down stairs, getting into and out of cars, ect.  This is a normal development in a dog's life.  Instead of a neurologist, your veterinarian should be recommending Glycoflex, Etogesic, Rimadyl...which are all medications that aid in pet arthritis.  If you want to go the holistic, over-the-counter way, try putting a teaspoon of Flax Seed oil (from your local health food or grocery stores) on his food every day.  This will not only lubricate joints, tendons and muscles which will aid with the arthritis and stiffness, it will also keep those insides nice and lubricated, promoting a healthy GI tract, keep the organs running smoothly, put a sheen to your dog's coat, and moisturize his skin.  Shark fat pills can be found at any local health food store.  A shark fat pill per day will promote healthy joints and bones.  Boveine Cartlidge can also be found at the health food store.  A tablet per day will promote new, healthy cartlidge.  These are all arthritic treatments that should be given once per day and will show improvement within a week or two.
I hope this helps!