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possible vaccine side effects?

18 15:12:43


I have a six year old male pug. I took him to the vet yesterday for his annual vaccines: bordetella and DHPPC. He's also on an antibiotic (Cephalexin 250 mg) for a month to clear up a skin infection (he's been on it before and hasn't had any problems). This afternoon, I took him out walking and he frolicked in the grass as usual. As he walked over to his favorite fire hydrant, he suddenly jerked one of his front paws back and ran away from the area. He limped the rest of the way home, and I finally had to pick him up because he kept sitting down. I've looked ALL over the foot he's favoring--on the pads, in between his toes, everywhere and I see absolutely nothing wrong--no redness, swelling, bumps or irritation (I thought he might have been bitten or stung by something). Could his sudden limping be a side effect from the vaccine? That's the only thing I can think of...Any help is appreciated!

Hi Tasha - I don't think the vaccinations would have caused this.  I bet he did get bit by something.  I love pugs!!!
How about giving him some benadryl 25mgs- just one for today.

Also, you mentioned skin infections...glad you have been seeing the vet for this.  I would like you to add some supplements to your vet's program...
NuVET Plus is one of the best vitamins for pugs...This is a skin and coat healer..
Here is the ordering link - Keep your pug kid healthy for a lifetime:

Hope your baby feel better soon..

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Pet Nurse