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Puppy stool with blood

18 16:12:43

Hi Nicole,

Our dog (Yellow Lab) had a litter of 13 puppies.
Everything has been going great. They are 8 weeks old. They had their first shots on Sunday (5 in 1 DHHP) and were dewormed for the second time (STRONGID).  We noticed yesterday that one of the puppies has a little blood in his stool.  The stool is firm, and looks normal, however when he is just about finished, some liquid comes out that is red in color.
What do you thin is going on?

Please advise.

Thank You,


Hi Michael!If the stool is hard, there may be some straining and the pup is breaking blood vessels in the rectum as he poops. If you can feed this pup separately, you might add mineral oil (not vegetable oil) to the food, 1 tsp per cup of food per day. This will make the stool come out easier. That may help.Please keep me posted!     Nicole.D.