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Guinea Pigs... what could be wrong

18 14:38:21


my G.Pig has been scratching his back and biting his back he has fur missing in the shape of a "V" on his back... what could this be? i looked it up and found out mites but im wondering if this is it can it transmitted to humans and/ or other animals such as a cat?

Well I don't do guinea pigs but most mites are host specific- in other words mites for horses stay on horses and dog mites on dogs etc. However, some mites on rodents could possibly get on cats but not humans.

If you saw mites you need to get your piggy to a vet and have him treated. Don't wait and don't treat for mites unless you know he has them. That's why you need to see a vet- he can do a skin scraping and find out for sure.