Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > hemorrhoid/cyst????


18 15:46:50

Hello Dr. and thank you for your time. I hope that this question falls under the skin category.  My dog is about ten now and thank goodness she as been super healthy. My inquirery today is in regard to a little cyst like structure about 1/2" above her anus, yet still within the perameter of the anus, it is of the same color and about the size of a pencils eraser, it feels as if there is liquid inside, not solid, and is protruding about 1/2 cm. she is not scratching and it is painless when i touch it. what do you think it could be how should i treat it and should i be worried about it?
thank you for your time and service. regards,yvette  

Without examining it I cannot be very specific.  You will need to have your vet look at this.  It could be a cyst (dogs do not get hemmorhoids) or it could be a tumor; the most common of these is called a perianal gland adenoma.  Small tumors of the anal/rectal area are easy to deal with, but if it starts growing, it can be a disaster since any type of surgery would involve the anal sphincter muscle and large blood vessels.