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runny kitten eyes

18 15:11:48

my husband i just got a kitten from a shelter where it was just dumped off...its only 7 weeks old, so it hasnt been vaccinated or treated for anything yet...we have a 9 month old daughter and another cat thats over a year old now...the kitten has very runny is a mostly clear liquid...she is still pretty active and is still eating...we are having a hard time financially and cant afford a vet visit right now, but we were wondering if there is a risk of our daughter, ourselves, or our other cat being infected with something from the kitten and whether or not we should just find the kitten another home if its going to be an expensive ordeal.  thanks!

Kimberly -

Runny eyes are common symptoms found in all animal shelters.  Often treatment for upper respiratory infections is not very expensive, but if finances are a problem, it is wise to return the kitten to the shelter so she can be properly cared for. People often adopt pets without considering the financial burden a pet can have on the family's finances; adopting a pet you cannot afford does not help the pet and it places a strain on the family.

There is no risk that your family will be infected with the kitten's symptoms unless someone in your family is severely immunocompromised (has HIV, cancer, etc).   

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM